Backside of the card board mock-up with custom brackets.
The top bracket is bolted to the support bar, the bottom one will be glued to the pan using this stuff...
Used 6mm plywood for the panels IIRC...
Test fit the kick panels and aligned the mounting bolts...
Mounting bolts not yet shortened, but the cutout for the hot air duct seems to fit nicely...
Test fit the custom hot air duct...
It's a modified speaker port reflex tube...
Fixed with a waste pipe o-ring. The tube's mounting holes will be filled later...
The speakers - nothing wild here...
Baffle cutout with drive in nuts...
Test fit the kick panels with speakers and hot air ducts mounted...
Tight fit on the right hand side...
Since I don't like "free air speakers" and the 5.25" chassis will not produce any significant bass I decided to add an enclosure...
The equal capacity cabinets are drafted as large as possible...
Added some damping polyester too...
Here we go: a pair of kick panel speaker cabinets...
Brightened the hot air ducts up a bit...
Added some paint and needle felt...
Speakers finally connected to the terminals and mounted...
Kick panels ready to go into the Bug...
And installed. The Bolts are covered with some black plastic caps...
A woofer was supposed to go in here but I wasn't able to design a layout that would fit.
Instead the sub-woofer will be placed under the passenger seat and it's amplifier will be mounted under the rear seat on the drivers side...